Developer web3 p2e shooter


We are currently looking for a partner or worker for a developer position ahead of a major update.

In brief:

Our project is a Spectron (p2e) post-apocalypse shooter on unreal engine 5

Now we are about to release an update with tournaments, we need as many people as possible to know about it, and for this we need you, and if this is relevant for you, I would like to offer you a partnership:

We are looking for a programmer, preferably in Rust / js / python / java or any other language, we will find common ground with you!

If you are interested - write me in telegram ----- @CamillaHRunit Or in DM here.

If you have any questions, we will be happy to answer them.

experience with cryptocurrencies/ web 3 / nft / p2e / blockchain is IMPORTANT

Короткий опис (2-3 речення): We need rust/java/js/python/etc developer for our p2e shooter
Контактні дані (куди звертатись): tg: @CamillaHRunit
Ні (волонтерство)
Рівень / Досвід:
Без досвіду
Початківець (Junior)
Середній (Middle)
Старший (Senior)
Формат роботи:
По місцю / В офісі
Тип занятості:
Повна зайнятість
Часткова зайнятість
Проектна робота
Позмінна робота
Дата публікації: лип. 7, 2024

Публічна розмова (0)

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